Welcome to Our Committee
This year marks the 79th anniversary of the Western Australian Medical Students' Society since its inception. Established in 1946, we stand as one of the oldest and most active medical student societies in Australia. Our extremely diverse committee mirrors the dynamic and evolving nature of medical education and practice over the past century. Our committee is made up of an extremely diverse group of students, consisting of sub-committees and positions responsible for initiatives spanning a variety of portfolios including welfare, social, academics, global health and medical school governance.
Current Office Bearers
President: Andrew Chang
Treasurer: Reeva Khandelwal
Secretary: Jonathan Tushingham
Vice-President External: Rana Ibrahim
Vice-President Internal: Prisha Goel
Vice-President Academic: Alexandra Truong
Vice-President Social: Anna Youn
Vice-President Welfare: Munaaf Khan
Internal Portfolio
First Year Representatives: Daniel Loh and Stella Morgan
Second Year Representatives: Monica Takahashi and Kevin Uong
Third Year Representatives: Wini Taylor-Williams and Taddea Leong
Fourth Year Representatives: Candra Maung and Sam Lee
Rural Clinical School Representative: Kirana Lockyer
Electives and Exchanges Officer: Ciaran Chay
External Portfolio
AMSA Representative: Tanya Gambhir
Marketing Officers: Harman Singh and Rebecca Liu
Undergraduate Communications Officer: Sreyam Das
Website and IT Officer: Shane Lim
Interhealth Chair: Dylan Crowe
Academic Portfolio
Student Grand Rounds (SGR) Coordinators: Thilini Dissabandara, Duli Jayalath and Pooja Ramesh
Academic Events Coordinators: Bailey Goodwin, Bart Tang and Kate Kang
Students in Health and Medical Research Conference (SHMRC) Convenor: Nandana Binu
Welfare Portfolio
International Officer: Yu Ting Long
Volunteering Officer: Laura Tatti
Mental Health Chairs: Shaheera Ahmed and Duli Jayalath
Indigenous Chair: Bianca Jenson
Queer Chairs: Hayley Caratti and Jasmine Hunt
Mature Chairs: Timothy Ward and Pete Metaxas
Teddy Bear Hospital Coordinators: Esperance Zhang and Lauren Farrelly
Social Portfolio
Social Representatives: Rex French, Shas Senger and Henry Openshaw
Orientation Events Coordinators: Ben Mitenko and Jeremy Kaputin
Red Party Coordinators: Ishita Kanodia and Shannon Morgan
Ball Representatives: Kaitlyn Tjahyadi and Ian Hiew
Sports Representatives: Michael O’Shea, Ishani Watson, Thomas Grice and Zoe Mills
Other Offices:
Foundation Chair: Sineng Jiang
Immediate Past President: Helen Abbott
Previous WAMSS Executive
President: Andrew Chang
Vice-President Internal: Duli Jayalath
Vice-President External: Shev Dias
Vice-President Academic: Douglas Mok
Vice-President Social: Shane Lim
Vice-President Welfare: Iley Johnson
Secretary: Alex Truong
Treasurer: Sineng Jiang
President: Helen Abbott
Vice-President Internal: Renae Long
Vice-President External: Layaal Mikhael
Vice-President Academic: Alexander Lawrie
Vice-President Social: Chloe Gwynne
Vice-President Welfare: Sanchita Gera
Secretary: Andrew Chang
Treasurer: Aidan Lewis
President: Olivia Tan
Vice-President Internal: Hayden White
Vice-President External: Jasper Brooksbank
Secretary: Kaleigh Spithoven
Treasurer: Helen Abbott
President: Erin Hassett
Vice-President Internal: Stuart Purdie
Vice-President External: Toby Thomas
Secretary: Olivia Tan
Treasurer: Haseeb Riaz
President: Oliver Dearsley
Vice-President Internal: Lauren Masi
Vice-President External: Saish Nepalli
Secretary: Britt Suann
Treasurer: Stuart Purdie
President: Harry D'Souza
Vice-President Internal: Lianne Leung
Vice-President External: Emma Lu
Secretary: Oliver Dearsley
Treasurer: Siyang Zhang
President: Rama Chidambaram
Vice-President Internal: Marissa Loh
Vice-President External: Jack Dewsbury
Secretary: Lianne Leung
Treasurer: Benjamin Palladino
President: Rhiannon Hicks
Vice-President Internal: Samantha White
Vice-President External: Brian Wong
Secretary: Marissa Loh
Treasurer: Dhanushke Fernando
President: Daniel Dorevitch
Vice-President Internal: Emily Alfonsi
Vice-President External: Julian Chung
Secretary: Rhiannon Hicks
Treasurer: Alexander Shivarev
President: Kiran Narula
Vice-President Internal: Sophie Doherty
Vice-President External: Vibhushan Manchanda
Secretary: Georgina Carr
Treasurer: Malcolm Teo
President: Sebastian Leathersich
Vice-President Internal: Melanie Still
Vice-President External: Malcolm Franke
Secretary: Sarah Cole
Treasurer: Sam Carbone
President: Lee Fairhead
Vice-President Internal: Georgia Walker
Vice-President External: Elliot Lyon
Secretary: Melanie Still
Treasurer: Tom Bartlett
President: Ben Host
Vice-President Internal: Kaddy Noonan
Vice-President External: Vic O'Donoghue
Secretary: Andrés Noé
Treasurer: Tom Bartlett
President: David Cosford
Vice-President Internal: Claudia von Peltz
Vice-President External: Rob Henderson
Secretary: Laura Buters
Treasurer: Tim Greer
President: Alexius Julian
Vice-President Internal: Claire Meyerkort
Vice-President External: Trent Little
Secretary: Kaddy Noonan
Treasurer: Andrew Swarbrick
President: Owen McWilliam
Vice-President Internal: Sally A Banfield
Vice-President External: Lauren V Host
Secretary: Steph Lam
Treasurer: Michelle McMullen
President: Austen Shenn
Vice-President: Vinith Menezes
Secretary: Julia Rhodes
Treasurer: Tim Humphries
President: Joshua Vogel
Vice-President: Jim Whittle
Secretary: Carsten Broeze
Treasurer: Christof Slawomirski
President: John Zorbas
Vice-President: Timothy Ford
Secretary: Emma Dudman
Treasurer: Jeremy Hill
President: Michael Winlo
Vice-President: Neil Wareing
Secretary: Shidan Tosif
Treasurer: Murali Kesavan
President: PD Singh
Faculty Rep: Timothy Clay
President: Joel Carson
President: MD O'Sullivan
President: A Ang
President: Peter L Santa Maria
Vice-President: Marty Blum
Secretary: Sarah Altheer
Treasurer: Andrea Ang
Chairman: F Lake
President: Kirstie Morandell
Vice-President: Michael Thompson
Secretary: Ajintha Pathmanathan
Treasurer: Lynette Periera
Chairman: A Prof J Straton
President: Chris Duffy
Treasurer: Helen Wilcox
Chairman: J Straton
President: T Rogerson
Secretary: Helen Wilcox
Chairman: J Straton
President: M de Cruz
Chairman: G Riley
President: M Coates
Chairman: G Riley
President: A Williams
Chairman: C Greenfield
President: J Rippey
Chairman: C Golledge
President: K Templeman
Chairman: C Golledge
President: JM Savundra
Chairman: BWS Robinson
President: OS D'Souza
Chairman: BWS Robinson
President: NJ Dale
Chairman: R Vandongen
President: M Barbour
Chairman: D Hurley
President: R Main
Chairman: B Beveridge
President: R Lewis
Chairman: LI Landau
President: M Little
Chairman: K Faulkner
President: S Lewis
Chairman: K Faulkner
President: A Vickery
Chairman: R Taylor
President: A Lill
Chairman: H Sheiner
President: J Silberstein
Chairman: LJ Beilin
President: N Stanley
Vice-President: RE Kirkman-Char
President: K Somers
Vice-President: B Power
President: HA Copeman
Vice-President: C Vinciullo
President: AK Cohen
Vice-President: GJ Duck
President: GA German
Vice-President: T Nolan
President: Prof DH Curnow
Vice-President: JP O'Shea
President: NV Marinovich
Vice-President: AM DeBoer
Secretary: Mike Davis
Treasurer: Trevor Lord
President: MG McCall
Vice-President: DM Hurley
President: JRH Watson
Vice-President: WM Carroll
President: IS Wallman
Vice-President: Peter Pullan
Secretary: Chris Anderson
Treasurer: Chris Reynolds
President: WJ Simmonds
Vice-President: PN Hollingworth
President: JD Martin
Vice-President: FJ Stanley
President: WB Macdonald
Vice-President: DA Nelson
President: A Lamb
Vice-President: BA Creswell
President: EG Saint
Vice-President: PA King
President: ER Elphick
Vice-President: LH Stagg
President: REJ ten Seldam
Vice-President: JR Rigg
President: DJR Snow
Vice-President: RJ Vaughan
President: CW Lewis
Vice-President: KB Shilkin
President: DD Keall
Vice-President: MC Tiller
President: H MacMillan
Vice-President: RA McWilliam
President: DC Sinclair
Vice-President: NL Fitch
President: BA Hunt
Vice-President: IG Hislop
President: HH Stewart
Vice-President: MC McCall
Secretary: EW Knight
Previous WAMSS Committee
MD1 Reps: Kevin Uong & Monica Takahashi
MD2 Reps: Mujtaba Tariq Mian & Rana Ibrahim
MD3 Reps: Amitabh Jeganathan & Thilini Dissabandara
MD4 Reps: Narendra Gammanpila, Tricea Tang, Jun Ting Lai
Elective and Exchange Officer: Rachel Geow
AMSA Rep: Prisha Goel, Blake Mathieson
Interhealth Chair: Danica Touyer Eljanna
Marketing Officers: Ying Yong & Clare Cheng
UCO: Thilini Dissabandara
Website & IT Officer: Sugam Dhakal
SGR: Jayanth Cheyyur, Jaahanvi Cheyyur, Ben Milne
Academic Events Coordinators: Leah Yang, Victoria Pang, Edi Singh
SHMRC: Aryan Kalra & Jason Fasser
Social Reps: Anna Youn, Harman Singh, Rebecca Liu
Orientation Coordinators: Lucas Triglavcanin & Nick Villaluz
Red Party: Darsiha Balakirishnan & Nimisha Thomas
Medical Ball Reps: Ewan George, Joel Watts, Tara Denman
Sports Reps: Jeremy Kaputin, Ben Mitenko, Jess Allan, Maddie Townsend-Hyde
Volunteering Officer: Hannah Legge
Teddy Bear Hospital Coordinators: Cliff Tan & William Yap
WAMSS Mental Health Chairs: Keerthana Murugan & Aariyana Rashed
Indigenous Chairs: Shondell “Shony” Hayden & Shailyn Isaac
Mature Chair: Mike Kendall
Queer Chair: Luke Uden
International Officer: Ciaran Chay
Foundation Chair: Candra Maung
Education Chair: Daniel Bontempo
First Year Reps: Ryan Dolovac & Prisha Goel
Second Year Reps: Fan Tang & Emily Galvin
Third Year Reps: Ben Milne & Jayanth Cheyyur
Fourth Year Reps: Ella Forkin & Akanksha Das
International Officer: Mia Pupic
AMSA Rep: Bartholomew Tang
Elective and Exchange Officer: Nisha Jayachitra
SGR Coordinator: Alexandra Cowan, Niklesh Warrier, Stephanie Tan
Academic Events Coordinator: Thynn Mya, Rushil D'Cruz, Pumie Siriwardana
SHMRC Convenor: Sahil Gera & Luke Uden
Social Rep: Anji Ponnampalam, Ashvin Sharma, Munaaf Khan
Sports Rep: Alexandra Cavanagh, Alyssa Ward, Hudson Staer, Nicholas Villaluz
WAMSS Mental Health Co-Chairs: Tharuni Ekanayake, Amman Bari
Volunteering: Lalitya Chilaka
Indigenous Rep: Maya Raygen Kierath Stasiuk
Queer Chair: Rowan Webster & Iley Johnson
Mature Chair: Leah Whtimore
Website & IT Officer: JT Yeung
Marketing Officer: Ryan Wijayananda & Alex Truong
Undergraduate Communications Officer: Ashton Lau
Interhealth Chairs: Douglas Mok & Phoebe Sun
Red Party Coordinators: Donaiya wa Azaro & Shane Lim
Foundation Chair: Kaleigh Spithoven
Education Officer: Emily Hackett
First Year Rep: Leah Whitmore & Dhruv Khanna
Second Year Rep: Jaahnavi Cheyyur & Joel Watts
Third Year Rep: Renae Long & Michael Derkacz
Fourth Year Rep: Stuart Purdie & Matt Cransberg
RCS Rep: Michael Offerman
International Officer: Gabrielle Stratford
AMSA Rep: Sachin Boniface
Elective and Exchange Officer: Ella Forkin
SGR Coordinator: Aaro Raguragavan, Daniel Fasser & Duji Jayabalan
Academic Events Coordinator: Caitlin Sciorilli, Zi Mao & Elena Boothroyd
SHMRC Convenor: Harleen Saggu & Avijoy Roy Choudhury
Social Rep: Vishwajeet Modi, Diya Dhawan & Aryan Kalra
Orientation Rep: Nikita Zhuang & Joel Watts
Med Dinner Rep: Amy Collins, Joshua Alsop & Jessica Ingram
Allied Health Rep: Anna Madden & Mia Page
Sports Rep: Ewan George, Issy Chapple, Becky Pierri & Bailey Taylor
Environmental Officer: Edi Singh & Lisa Guo
WAMSS Mental Health Co-Chairs: Katherine Magpily & William Yap
Indigenous Rep: Shony Hayden
Queer Chair: Callum Burns & Luke Uden
Mature Chair: Brendan Selby
Website & IT Officer: Venkat Krishnamoorthy
Marketing Officer: JT Yeung & Alexander Lawrie
Undergraduate Communications Officer: Keerthana Murugan
Interhealth Chair: Alex Cowan & Sanchita Gera
Red Party Coordinator: Nik Warrier & Sriya Bobba
Foundation Chair: Britt Suann
Education Officer: Kayley Crebbin
First Year Rep: Kaleigh Spithoven & Narendra Gammanpilla
Second Year Rep: Ella Forkin & Jason D'Silva
Third Year Rep: Joanne Marcello & Shaun Liow
Fourth Year Rep: Kate Mannolini & Thomas Russell
RCS Rep: Thomas Filmer
International Officer: Russell Lim
AMSA Rep: Aarohanan Raguragavan
Elective and Exchange Officer: Rudra Bhatt
SGR Coordinator: Olivia Shannon, Nicholas Chatman & Dewruwan Gammanpila
Academic Events Coordinator: Nick Leedman, Cody Melvin & Paul Stobie
SHMRC Convenor: Mathew Pugliese
Social Rep: Shanae Jupp, Chloe Gwynne & Tamika Bland
Orientation Rep: Ella Forkin, Sarah Mullen, Aarohanan Raguragavan & Alexander Armanios
Med Dinner Rep: Caitlyn Taylor, Matthew Mann & Carina Pretorius
Allied Health Rep: Shanae Jupp, Chloe Gwynne & Tamika Bland
Sports Rep: Remy Spring, Rhys Landwehr, Layaal Mikhael & Helen Abbott
Environmental Officer: Lalitya Chilaka & Sanchita Gera
WAMSS Mental Health Chair: Britt Suann
Indigenous Rep: Georgia-Rose Gosling
Queer Chair: Uma Nair & Dulasi Amarasingha
Mature Chair: Brendan Selby & Choon Boon “Evangelyn” Sim
Website & IT Officer: Jonathan Pang
Marketing Officer: JT Yeung & Alexander Lawrie
Undergraduate Communications Officer: Akanksha Das
Interhealth Chair: Alexander Armanios & Aiden Lewins
Red Party Coordinator: Emily Barrett & Kriti Sharma
Foundation Chair: Ayeesha Thevar
Education Officer: Lauren Masi
First Year Rep: JT Yeung & Shanae Jupp
Second Year Rep: Jasper Brooksbank & Kate Dowden
Third Year Rep: Jasmine Begovich & Dewruwan Gammanpila
Fourth Year Rep: Francis Winfield & Katherine Middleton
RCS Rep: Jasmine Begovic
International Officer: Sherwin Xie
AMSA Rep: Ayeesha Thevar
Junior AMSA Rep: Kriti Sharma
Elective and Exchange Officer: Rudra Bhatt
SGR Coordinator: Hannah Matthews, Alexandra Mehl & James Nguyen
Academic Events Coordinator: Tithi Kulkarni & Ayeesha Thevar
SHMRC Convenor: Tristan Lee & Kayley Crebbin
Social Rep: Matt Cransberg, Kierra O'Grady & Emily Wishart
Orientation Rep: Sarah King, Hayden White, Tatiana Ninkov & Thomas Russell
Med Dinner Rep: Izzy Atlas, Emma Lu & James Nguyen
Allied Health Rep: Alex Armanios & Ci Chia
Sports Rep: William Morris, Luke Percy, Emily Hackett & Jordan Ladwig
Environmental Officer: Milly Bakker & Jen Barton
WAMSS Mental Health Chair: Lianne Leung
Indigenous Rep: Tamika Ponton
Queer Chair: Anthony Copeland & Thomas Drake-Brockman
Communications Chair: Vikas Bhat & Jana Crous
Publications Rep: Andrei Sincari, Emily Anderson & Nishani Jayawardena
Website & IT Officer: Jonathan Pang
Marketing Officer: Brie Nolan & Davide Tomassoni
Undergraduate Communications Officer: Olivia Tan
Interhealth Chair: Dinnu Devarapalli & Amy Collins
Red Party Coordinator: Angela Burvill & Hayden White
Foundation Chair: Erin Hassett
President: Harry D'Souza
Vice-President Internal: Lianne Leung
Vice-President External: Emma Lu
Secretary: Oliver Dearsley
Treasurer: Siyang Zhang
President: Rama Chidambaram
Vice-President Internal: Marissa Loh
Vice-President External: Jack Dewsbury
Secretary: Lianne Leung
Treasurer: Benjamin Palladino
President: Rhiannon Hicks
Vice-President Internal: Samantha White
Vice-President External: Brian Wong
Secretary: Marissa Loh
Treasurer: Dhanushke Fernando
President: Daniel Dorevitch
Vice-President Internal: Emily Alfonsi
Vice-President External: Julian Chung
Secretary: Rhiannon Hicks
Treasurer: Alexander Shivarev
President: Kiran Narula
Vice-President Internal: Sophie Doherty
Vice-President External: Vibhushan Manchanda
Secretary: Georgina Carr
Treasurer: Malcolm Teo
President: Sebastian Leathersich
Vice-President Internal: Melanie Still
Vice-President External: Malcolm Franke
Secretary: Sarah Cole
Treasurer: Sam Carbone
President: Lee Fairhead
Vice-President Internal: Georgia Walker
Vice-President External: Elliot Lyon
Secretary: Melanie Still
Treasurer: Tom Bartlett
President: Ben Host
Vice-President Internal: Kaddy Noonan
Vice-President External: Vic O'Donoghue
Secretary: Andrés Noé
Treasurer: Tom Bartlett
President: David Cosford
Vice-President Internal: Claudia von Peltz
Vice-President External: Rob Henderson
Secretary: Laura Buters
Treasurer: Tim Greer
President: Alexius Julian
Vice-President Internal: Claire Meyerkort
Vice-President External: Trent Little
Secretary: Kaddy Noonan
Treasurer: Andrew Swarbrick
President: Owen McWilliam
Vice-President Internal: Sally A Banfield
Vice-President External: Lauren V Host
Secretary: Steph Lam
Treasurer: Michelle McMullen
President: Austen Shenn
Vice-President: Vinith Menezes
Secretary: Julia Rhodes
Treasurer: Tim Humphries
President: Joshua Vogel
Vice-President: Jim Whittle
Secretary: Carsten Broeze
Treasurer: Christof Slawomirski
President: John Zorbas
Vice-President: Timothy Ford
Secretary: Emma Dudman
Treasurer: Jeremy Hill
President: Michael Winlo
Vice-President: Neil Wareing
Secretary: Shidan Tosif
Treasurer: Murali Kesavan
Faculty Rep: Carlo Bellini
Second Year Rep: Natalie O'Halloran & Sam Fitzpatrick
Third Year Rep: Harjit Kaur
Fourth Year Rep: Emma Dudman & Carsten Broeze
AMSA Rep: Claire Harma
Social Rep: Owen McWilliam, James Marangou & Tegan Martyn
Med Dinner Rep: Louise O'Halloran, Sam Brophy-Williams & John Zorbas
Allied Health Rep: Melita Cirillo & Hayley Robinson
Sports Rep: Daram Singh, Jean-Louis Papineau, Jes Kierath & Lauren Host
Publications Rep: Justin Nazareth, Christof Slawomirski & Sam Lieblich
Website & IT Officer: David Adam
Public Affairs: Joshua Vogel
Bookshop Rep: Wayne Reynolds
Common Room Officer: Kate Reynolds
Lookout Rep: Sally Banfield & Denitza Mironova
President: PD Singh
Faculty Rep: Timothy Clay
President: Joel Carson
President: MD O'Sullivan
President: A Ang
President: Peter L Santa Maria
Vice-President: Marty Blum
Secretary: Sarah Altheer
Treasurer: Andrea Ang
Chairman: F Lake
Faculty Rep: Paul Bumbank
AMSA Rep: Mike Dickinson
Social Rep: Dan Harris, Andy Finlayson & Pete Counsel
Med Dinner Rep: "Dirty Dweens" Allan, Dave Thomson & Ajintha Pathmanathan
Sports Rep: Pistol Allesandro, Sasha Camac, Felicity Hawkin & Dror Maor
Publications Rep: Clinton Gibbs & Victor Wycoco
Public Affairs: Nick Coatsworth
Lookout Rep: Duncan Purtill & Paul Wallman
President: OS D'Souza
Chairman: BWS Robinson
President: JM Savundra
Chairman: BWS Robinson
President: K Templeman
Chairman: C Golledge
President: J Rippey
Chairman: C Golledge
President: A Williams
Chairman: C Greenfield
President: M Coates
Chairman: A Prof G Riley
President: M de Cruz
Chairman: G Riley
Social Rep: Lucy Rosman
President: T Rogerson
Secretary: Helen Wilcox
Chairman: J Straton
President: Chris Duffy
Treasurer: Helen Wilcox
Chairman: J Straton
President: Kirstie Morandell
Vice-President: Michael Thompson
Secretary: Ajintha Pathmanathan
Treasurer: Lynette Periera
Chairman: A Prof J Straton
Faculty Rep: Samya LakisFirst Year Rep: Joel Carson & Nicole Hall
Second Year Rep: Kevin Hartley & Edna Tse
Third Year Rep: Sarah Altheer & Andy Finlayson
Fourth Year Rep: Gjulia Kitchin & E. J. Marsden
AMSA Rep: Luke Streitberg
Vampire Cup Rep: Russel Bensky
Social Rep: Matt Atkins, Mike Baker & Gary Coanis
Med Dinner Rep: Andrea Ang & Glynn Hughes
Sports Rep: Pete Santa Maria
Publications Rep: Pete Counsel & Andy Finlayson
Public Affairs: Mike Dickinson
Bookshop Rep: Adam Gardiner
Lookout Rep: Sue Mills & Mike O'Sullivan
Women's Officer: Fiona Lake
Patron: RB Lefroy
Chairman: N Marinovich
Property Officer: John Abbott
First Year Rep: John O'Shea
Second Year Rep: Steven Weston
Third Year Rep: Elizabeth Jeffery
Fourth Year Rep: John Stokes
AMSA Rep: Chris Clay
Social Rep: Rob O'Shea
Sports Rep: Jamie Hendrie
Social Action Rep: Geoff Byrne
Publications Rep: Aunty Jack
Travel/Photocopier: Peter Winterton
Archivist: Luigi D'Orsonga
Patron: AD Charters
Assistant Secretary & Liaison Officer: Dave Hurley
Assistant Treasurer & Property Officer: Jane Seward
First Year Rep: Chris Currv & Charlie Laukester
Second Year Rep: Louise Farrel & Geoff Crawford
Third Year Rep: Louis Papelias & Carol McGrath
Fourth Year Rep: Jane Seward & Dave Hillman
Sports Rep: Peer Hales
Reflex Editor and Publicity
Officer: Geoff Riley & Vin Keane
Archivist: Geoff Mumme & Oscar Baraneck
Medical Dinner Rep: FJ Stanley
Fourth Year Rep: FJ Stanley