How it began
WAMSS began as the UWA Medical Students' Society in 1946. It was formed when students realised a need for representation for those in medicine who began their studies in Boorloo (Perth) and then travelled to Tardanya (Adelaide) or Naarm (Melbourne) to complete the degree.
Thus, WAMSS predates the Faculty of Medicine.
Over time, WAMSS has grown into a large and vibrant organisation. At its core there remains the values of representation and inclusion of all medical students in the pursuit of a truly unique medical student experience.
The UWA Medical Student Society was founded, with the aim to advocate for a medical school to be opened in WA.
At the time, UWA medical students would attend medical school in Adelaide or Melbourne. WA had a serious shortage of doctors.
The first WAMSS meeting was held at 1:15pm in the Women's Common Room on the 19 March 1946.
Medical School Appeal Committee
In the 1950s, the appeal for a medical school in WA gained momentum.
A Medical School Appeal Committee was formed, formalising the campaign, putting fundraising and advocacy efforts into full swing. Various public appeals were held, including the 1955 UWA Procession (PROSH) being dedicated to funding for a medical school at UWA.
The appeal was a huge success. With a population of only 640,000 people, the community raised an equivalent of what would be over 30 million dollars today, to fund the school.
In the words of the former Dean of Medicine Sir Charles Court,
We are mindful of the fact that without the great generosity of the people of Western Australia, the Faculty of Medicine would never have been created.
Photographed, Premier of Western Australia Hon. A.R.G. Hawke is seen examining the proposals for the establishment of the Western Australian medical school.
In 1956, the efforts of the Medical Students Society and Medical School Appeal Fund are successful, and the UWA Medical School opens in 1957.
The Faculty of Medicine commenced with the appointment of 8 Professors, and the coming of students of two year groups - first-year students commencing tuition at UWA and sixth-years returning from Tardanya (Adelaide) and Naarm (Melbourne) to complete their course.
The Foundation Professors of UWA Faculty of Medicine are honoured in the Foundation Professors Walkway at QEII, next to the J. Robin Warren Library.
In the same year, WAMSS was officially founded, formed by a group of 6th year medical students.
Gordon King (Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Foundation Dean),
Cecil Kidd (Psychiatry),
Cecil Lewis (Surgery),
David Sinclair (Anatomy),
Eric Saint (Medicine),
Joseph Lugg (Biochemistry),
Mary Lockett (Pharmacology),
Neville Stanley (Microbiology),
Rolf ten Seldam (Pathology),
Wilfred Simmonds (Physiology),
William Macdonald (Child Health).

The first Secretarial Report, signed by Edwin W. Knight (1957).

Shall we dance?