Aside from WAMSS, there are other student organisations that you can join to further your interests and passions.
Learn more about them below.
Through the UWA Student Guild, you can get involved with 180+ clubs, with over 1000 events on campus, and hundreds of volunteering opportunities to choose from.
The WA Medical Students’ Orchestra (WAMSO) is a symphony orchestra that provides an opportunity for medical students with a passion for music (but not always a lot of time) to dust off their instruments once a week for our own mental health and for charity!
The orchestra performs twice a year, and rehearses every Tuesday night from 7-9 pm at UWA. All are welcome, and there are no auditions or other entry requirements.
There’s also an associated choir, Choir Cantori is a student-led contemporary singing group that performs twice a year with the wonderful WAMSO. Choir Cantori is open to students - no previous choir or musical training required, just enthusiasm and commitment!
They aim to provide extracurricular educational opportunities (such as workshops, networking events and interactive online material), including opportunities for students to interact closely with medical experts in their fields of interest.
In addition to providing a social forum for like-minded medical students, UWASS aims to provide a range of extra-curricular educational opportunities, from lecture nights, workshops, and career development nights.
UWASS Women In Surgery is an initiative by the University of Western Australia Surgical Society that is aimed to encourage, enable and inspire women to pursue their surgical ambitions.
The highlight of their calendar is the annual Women In Surgery Symposium. This symposium is aimed at encouraging and educating female medical students regarding the surgical specialty and provides opportunities for them to interact with like-minded peers.