All UWA medical students receive a weekly WAMSS bulletin released every Sunday.

This includes year group specific announcements, information on upcoming events, opportunities, and resources.

An example bulletin from April 2022 can be found below.

For questions about receiving your year-group weekly bulletin, please contact your year reps (year[x] or [email protected]

Advertising in the Bulletin

For student organisations, medical education, and not-for-profits

If you have any items to add, queries, or comments, please email [email protected]

Items must be submitted by 11:59PM Friday preceding the bulletin.

For companies

Please email [email protected] for information on sponsorship packages.

Interhealth Monthly Bulletin

Interhealth is the global health branch of WAMSS that runs a number of projects in the areas of global health, environmental health, advocacy, sexual health, maternal health, education and volunteering.

If you are interested in keeping up to date with events and opportunities that Interhealth or their projects run, you can sign up to their monthly bulletin with all the important information!

Fill out this form to be included in the mailing list or send an email to [email protected]