Interhealth Jumpers are here!

Shiny new jumpers on show at GHC2013 in Hobart

The front features the much loved Interhealth logo, while the back is where the action’s at with the MDGs encircled by a WAMSS QRS-complex hug.

the 8 formal MDGs + the “9th”

If you’re unsure which super snuggly jumper is right for you, check the size guide

Profits from this batch go to our Zonta Birthing Kits project, which also won the People’s Choice award and $500 at GHC this year! (#interhealthwinsall go team!)

To reserve your size, send in the form below – stock numbers are riding pretty low now, so it’s first in best dressed!


We chose to use Gildan hoodies, you can read their corporate citizenship here if you’re interested in their production and ethics.

much global healthy love,

xoxo Interhealth