Temple of Wellbeing – 26th August

Cute Animal

This gif is so cute, it can hold its own I think.


Answer to last week’s puzzle:

The man is a dwarf and can only reach the button for the 8th floor (so that’s unfortunate, but you get that...)

This week’s puzzle:

A body is discovered in a park in Chicago in the middle of summer. It has a fractured skull and many other broken bones, but the cause of death was hypothermia. Get your Poirot on people J

Relaxation tip:

Here’s a quick (as in 2 minutes, so less time than it takes a kettle to boil) little exercise you can do to de-stress called “square breathing technique”:

Step 1: Get centered, put both feet on the floor if you’re sitting down, and you may even want to close your eyes.

Step 2: Put one hand on your diaphragm (upper belly) to make sure that’s where you’re breathing from.  Inhale for 5 slow seconds, letting your breath start in the upper belly and move up towards the chest.

Step 3: Hold your breath for 5 seconds.

Step 4: Exhale slowly for 5 seconds.

Step 5: Hold your breath again for 5 seconds after all of the air has been expelled from your lungs.

Step 6: Repeat for 2 minutes

And, ta da! Stress be gone!


“Doctor, doctor! Will this ointment clear up my spots?”

“Well, I don’t like to make rash promises”

For more tips on how you can improve your wellbeing, send an email to your friendly Wellbeing Officers at [email protected] 🙂