Temple of Wellbeing – 27

Cute animal gif

You might think you’re tough, but you’ve got nothing on this guy: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7802883328/h26952907/


Answer to last week’s puzzle:

It was winter. He fired the gun near a snowy cliff, which started an avalanche.

This week’s puzzle:

A man is returning from Switzerland by train. If he had been in a non-smoking car he would have died.

Relaxation tip:

$$$ Monies $$$

Everyone loves monies. Monies mean that you can do fun stuff. Like buy cool stuff, or get tickets to cool things, or give it to your wellbeing officer.

Traditionally students have very little money and even less money management skills.

Learning how to budget your money is important on two counts. One, it's necessary for your survival, and two, good money management can lower your stress level. You will certainly have less stress if your checking account isn't running in the negative.

TIP: Keep a little notebook tied to your wallet, keeping track of how much is in your account. That way, whenever you go to buy something, it’s easier to tell whether you can truly afford it or not


“Doctor, Doctor! I’m at death’s door!”

“Don’t worry, we’ll soon pull you through”

For more tips on how you can improve your wellbeing, send an email to your friendly wellbeing officers at [email protected] J