Temple of Wellbeing – 28

Temple of Wellbeing

Cute animal gif

Tehehehehehe https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7802311680/hB5E62D0F/


Answer to last week’s puzzle:

The man used to be blind -- he's returning from an eye operation which restored his sight. He spent all his money on the operation, so when the train (which had no internal lighting) goes through a tunnel, he thinks he's gone blind again and decides to kill himself. But before he could do it, he saw the light of the cigarettes people were smoking and realized he could still see

This week’s puzzle:

A man goes into a restaurant, orders albatross, eats one bite, and kills himself.

Relaxation tip:

“Dear diary, today my wellbeing officer gave me a really good idea for how to manage my stress levels and improve my wellbeing. That’s because she’s amazing and clever and I love her to pieces. She suggested that I keep a diary or a journal:

She knows that this may not appeal to everyone and may seem like more work than it's worth to others, but for those who enjoy writing; she said that it was another way to cope with the stress of life. She said it was sort of like talking to a friend, only you’re made of paper and you don’t say very much.

I think I might try it. She also said that if you put your thoughts down on paper (or in your computer) it puts those feelings where you can examine them and work on a strategy to manage your stress. She’s so clever”


“Doctor, Doctor! I feel like a pair of wigwams!”

“The problem is, you’ve become too tense” (‘two tents’, you get it?)

For more tips on how you can improve your wellbeing, send an email to your friendly wellbeing officers at [email protected] J