Loss of SCGH Clinical Common Room

By chance, it has come to the attention of the WAMSS Executive that the Clinical Common Room at SCGH is no longer in WAMSS'/medical student's possession. We do not know any details as to when or why this happened, but we have reached out to the Executive at SCGH, the body responsible for the room, for clarification.

This may have some impact upon the usual beginning-of-year celebrations due to the loss of WAMSS merchandise and promotional material stored in the Common Room. We do not know the status of these, except that they are no longer there.

To students: This post will be updated as information comes available. If you have particular concerns email myself at [email protected]
To committee members: your executive liaison will be in contact regarding the impact of this on your plans (if any).

Update 1 (3rd Feb)- SGCH has been in contact, and a meeting to discuss this occurrence is being arranged.

An Engaging WAMSS
This post is part of a concerted effort by WAMSS in 2015 to openly and regularly inform students about what is occurring, being done on their behalf, and how they might engage with the Society.