HE Numbers Update – 26 March 14

Problematic HE numbers have been submitted to the Faculty for resolution. These typically take 1 month to fix, however it is not unusual for it to take longer. Furthermore, the Faculty will be starting with 6th years HE numbers first and working backwards. Unfortunately there is no feedback mechanism as yet to update students on the progress of their HE numbers reactivation. Our apologies to the 5th years who have waited so long.

Fourth years: The Faculty submitted applications for Fourth years to receive HE numbers some time ago. The Faculty is still waiting on the Health Department to complete processing all requests. HE Numbers will be released the 4th year students once all HE number applications have been processed. WAMSS has recently checked with the Faculty this week for a status update, but none was able to be given. This is because the Health Department has no feedback mechanism for the progress status of requests.

WAMSS and the Faculty are working to produce an information sheet about HE numbers. This will enlighten students on how they work, how to maintain them, and where to seek help if required.

In the mean while, should you have problems, please ring the Health Department IT service onĀ 1300 170 089. If you're problem is still not resolved then please fill in this form: wamss.org.au/he-numbers/