The 2018 Alan Charters Prize


The Alan Charters Prize was established in 1998 and named in honour of Dr Alan Charters (1903-1996) who practiced and taught medicine in East Africa and Western Australia, with a lifelong special interest in tropical medicine and parasitology. He is fondly remembered by generations of Western Australian medical students whom he taught through his long career, continuing to do so even into his nineties.  

The prize is awarded by a panel of judges on the night to a person deemed to have the best elective presentation. Entrants present a 15-20 minute presentation about a thought-provoking topic encountered during elective. Judges will be looking for a presenter who demonstrates an understanding of the social and public health issues beyond the strictly ‘medical’; who presents in a thought-provoking, insightful, illuminating, enthusiastic and interesting way; and who illustrates the talk with good quality and relevant slides, overheads, props or other visuals.


The Alan Charters Elective Presentation Prize awards $1000 to the first prize winner and $500 to two runner up entries.


To enter, please email  [email protected] - three shortlisted finalists will present before the judging panel on elective night - 16th of Mayподбор ипотечного кредита по банкам