WAMSS holds Indigenous Health Panel

The inaugural Indigenous Health Panel organised by 5th year medical student, Gemma Johnston and final year medical student, Rebecca Hutchens, both Indigenous representatives on the Western Australian Medical Students Society was held at Mary Lockett Lecture Theatre, FJ Clarke on October 1st.

The aim of the night was to promote awareness of the vast array of issues facing Indigenous health, and to encourage medical students to become interested in Indigenous health.

The panel featured four Indigenous speakers with extensive experience working in Indigenous health, and included Associate Professor Ted Wilkes, who has an extensive background in health and is currently employed in the Indigenous Research Program at the National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology; Leah Bonson, a Social Work graduate from UWA, who has worked in the WA state public services for 23 years and is the Director of Aboriginal Health for Child and Adolescent Health Services (CAHS) for WA Health; Michael Mitchell, Manager of the Specialist Aboriginal Mental Health Service Metropolitan (SAMHSM) North Metropolitan Health Service Western Australia and Dr Marshall Watson, an Indigenous medical graduate from UWA, and a consultant psychiatrist who is completing his subspecialty training in child and adolescent and forensic psychiatry.

Each speaker shared some of their experiences working in health and their journeys as Indigenous health professionals. The panel also received questions from the audience, which provided the opportunity for students to engage in a discussion about Indigenous health issues.

Overall the night was a huge success, with a great turnout. Audience participation and questions were excellent, and stimulated interesting discussion. After the success of the inaugural Indigenous Health Panel, we hope to continue the event in 2014.