Medical Student Concerns During COVID-19

As if being a medical student in itself wasn’t enough to keep you busy, these days we get to spend extra time worrying about what it means to be a medical student in the time of COVID!

Whether this be how to manage hospital placements and PPE, what our vaccination requirements are, what we do if we are a close contact, or even if we get COVID ourselves. This page will hopefully help you with answering some of these questions.

Help: I’m starting clinical!

Congratulations! You have gotten through the long, hard slog of pre-clinical and are now ready to apply your learning in the clinical environment!

You’ve got questions. WAMSS has some tips for you before you start your clinical placements.

Important Information Regarding HE Numbers

Please read this document carefully before submitting your HE number for processing. [gview file=”” save=”1″] If you have read the above information and have acted upon these instructions, then please …

HE Numbers update from 19 May

Unfortunately, I have no good news on this front. The list of students with problematic HE numbers emailed to the Faculty failed to reach them and as such they haven’t …