Help; I Need to Defer An Exam

You can get a deferred exam if the Faculty is convinced that, due to medical and/or exceptional reasons you:

Remember, THERE ARE NO SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMS FOR DEFERRED EXAMS. This is a very important point to understand, or at least pronounce.

To request a deferred exam, you must submit an application for Special Consideration to the Faculty office. See ‘Help; I need to apply for Special Consideration!' for more details.

If you think there might be the slightest possibility that you may need Special Consideration, apply for it! If you see a potential obstacle coming up, even if you think you will be able to overcome it, talk to the Associate Dean (Student Affairs) and your Sub-Dean/Unit Coordinator anyway! It doesn’t hurt to have the Special Consideration form there, just in case, and it is much easier if the Faculty is aware of the situation early on and nothing happens, than if things don’t go as planned and it needs to be organised on short notice.